our most popular courses:
Communicate for Impact
from anywhere
Master the daily conversations that are so critical to success – sharing information effectively, setting yourself up for success by getting the guidance you need, handling screw ups and stumbles, and more.
The GIFT of Great on the Job—Generosity, Initiative, Forward Momentum & Transparency
Get anyone (& everyone) to listen to you—the foolproof download
Set yourself up for success—ask for help (& sound smart while you do it)
Push back and manage expectations

Build Your Brand online & off
What are you known for today? What do you want to be known for tomorrow? And most importantly, how do you get there? Develop, craft and hone your personal brand to amplify your impact at work.
You have a brand, whether you like it or not (or want one or not)
Understand what makes personal (and corporate) brands great
Leverage your brand to differentiate and promote yourself
What are you known for today? What do you want to be known for (tomorrow)? How do you get there?
Find mentors and sponsors
Live, eat, breathe your brand
Get good at self-promoting (no one will do it for you)

Take Ownership of Your Career
Don’t wait for someone to hand you an opportunity (they won’t!)—make opportunity happen for yourself—keep your learning curve steep, position yourself to excel, and build your network strategically.
Take control of your workload to get the assignments you want (& need)
Be strategic about what you work on and who you work with—and redirect what’s not advancing your cause
Use the LEARN strategy:
Learn new skills
Excel in areas where you are already great
Assist others
Redirect unwanted work
Network internally (with people who are well-respected and well-connected)